Lincoln Hall Project
The Renovation
Creating a Flexible, “Smart” Environment for Learning
The renovation’s highest calling is to ensure that Lincoln Hall continues to inspire learning. Planners asked academic departments for input on how to best meet the needs for the kinds of courses that will be taught there. The resulting designs call for a host of new communications technology and flexible classroom space that fosters group interaction and allows students to work in teams.
Relocating Classrooms to the First Floor
All classrooms are being relocated to the first floor instead of being spread out over three floors, as they currently are. A variety of classroom designs will allow for a range of teaching styles.

Teaching with the Tip of a Finger
Every classroom in the renovated Lincoln Hall will include audio and visual capabilities customized to the room. Display screens, magnifiers, projectors, speakers, video recorders, and other features will provide instructors the ability to bring their subject matter to life. By using flexible technology infrastructure, Lincoln Hall will be able to evolve with the times.
Avenues for Close Interaction
Office suites on the upper floors will include conference rooms equipped with presentation technology to assist with small group discussions, job training, and other meetings between faculty, staff, and students.
Did You Know?
New technology isn’t always better than old. At the request of faculty, many of the rooms will retain their original slate chalkboards.

Informal Gathering Spaces—The Café
In addition to the numerous conference areas that will allow for small group interaction, a new feature will be an informal gathering space for students and staff. A café is being created out of a unique area under Lincoln Hall Theater that was once a smoking lounge. The café and outdoor courtyard will be accessible from the east hallway via a dramatic glass solarium that will open onto the courtyard. The area will be a great space for poetry readings, music, and just hanging out.
Wi-Fi Throughout 
The Internet can add a spark to learning. When Lincoln Hall reopens, it will be equipped with wireless connections throughout. This includes classrooms.